All extensions have been obtained with an algorithm that has inspected the communities where the extensions are published. We reserve the right to the list and therefore copying is not allowed. We have no control over the extensions and therefore have no responsibility.
:dove: floating view: float your component. [free] :dove:
[free] :love_letter: notification style: extension with various types of notification. :love_letter:
[update] free alpha dialog | transparent dialogs, custom toasts and much more
[free] [beta] simple chart extension v2
[f/os] - dynamic components extension (for every component) 2.2.2
circular progress extension (preview)
[discontinued] background tasks [4.1] :partying_face:
[free] component tools extension
[free] telegram bot api extension
[f/os] image loader - extension for image loading and caching
[free] bottom app bar - extension v1- [beta]
v 2.0.6 plyr video player | fullscreen, qualities, captions, thumbnail, attaractive ui
[free] shapeable view extension - an extension for converting layout to different shapes
[discontinued] listaddon extension
screenrecorder: an extension for screen recording
[free] button effects extension
[free] paypal: make payments in your app
filetools : some tools to work with files
create images of components and screens | [free] extension componenttoimage
[v3] flubbie : animate your components
update 4.1: hackprotect extension (no permissions needed) - better emulator detection
[free/os] repositioning tools extension
scrollhandler: handle the scroll of scroll views
[discontinued] dynamic arrangements extension v2
[os/ beta] google translate extension
datetools : some tools to work with date and time
[f/os] custom spotlight extension
extension to download file(s) to asd (app-specific directory) without write permission
[f/os] :gift:bubble tab bar | add cool navigation bar in your apps
update my app - extension - useful to app builders to update their distributed apps
fontart v1 - my first kodular ide extension
[androidx] view pager extension | view pager with custom animations and much more
[paid] recycler view - an extension for creating recycler view in your apps
[free] popup menu - simple popup menu
timetools : the tools only for time
[free] fetch - a powerful and simple download tool
[free] inappbilling - sell your digital product from your android application
[free] gesturedetect - recognize swipe up/down/right/left and doubleclick
[free] swipe action view - an extension for making your layout swipeable
[free] customdialog. my 10th extension
[free] async procedures | extension
[free] voice recognition extension without google dialogue
[free] expandable view - an extension to make expandable layouts in your apps
baserow - open source no-code database
[free] custom indicator - an extension to create dots indicator with a lot of customization
[free] videolayout extension (big fix!)
custom floating button extension
relative view extension | overlap like a pro | complex uis made simple in kodular
here is my 7th [free extension] circle progress bar
[ free ] efemail auto smtp sender
pkgutils : an extension to work with packages
:tada::tada:new svg image loader
my simple ‘night mode’ extension
toggle button / tags group | create simple and elegant button/tag group
audio visualizer extension : audio graph
[free] customizable animated tab bar - add awesome navigation bar
[free] dictionary extension : make dictionary apps easily
[free / open source] zipfile - read zip contents without extracting
asymmetriccryptography : an extension for asymmetric cryptography
[free] advance scrolling - customize scroll views
[free] popup view - an extension to show your views as popup
[free] custom image extension || an extension for creating image in shape
[free] shimmer view extension || an extension for creating label and buttons with shimmer effect
recaptcha: protect your app from malicious traffic
[beta] devyinfo : get info of your device
[free] strip view pager - an extension for making professional view pager
[f/os] my sharex extension v:3.0
itoo - background tasks [special] :partying_face:
[free] page transformer - an extension to animate pages while swiping
rubiks cube - play rubiks cube in 3d
[free] v2 updated countdown timer extension - an extension to perform countdown in app
drive file display extension (free)
[paid] recyclerview (listview - gridview - staggeredgridview) extension
saf: app inventor implementation of storage access framework
advance pdf creator : encrypt / decrypt pdf , imagetopdf , webviewtopdf , print pdf etc
material spotlight | show case extension based on google material guidelines
[free] leoprofileview - extension help you to create circular image with icon || version - 3
[f/os] lyrics viewer - play lyrics for songs in music players
[free] image compressor - compress large images into smaller sized images
[free / open source] max/min value of list - my first extension
[free] fluid slider extension - an extension for creating beautiful sliders in apps
[free] media cache | cache video and audio files to make your and users’ life easier
extension - remove app from recent apps
[free/os] qr logo - generate qr code with your logo
notification badge extension [free]
[free] enhance extension to create stylish card views
[free] accessibility tools - perform back, home and recents
[free] flip countdown extension
wave loader : use images and display loading wave progress on them
verticalviewpager: a vertical version of viewpager
image viewer | pinch to zoom | double tap to zoom | animated zoom
[discontinued] dots indicator extension || create dots indicator below image slide show
[free extension] responsive app size extension (best update v3.0)
[free] shadow layout : apply elevation to any arrangement :watermelon:
[free] blurbackground with image. my 11th extension
[extension] countryinfo: get some information about any country
[free] json to dictionary extension
[extension]contactlist - get all contact list
[free] baserow database extension - a database extension for baserow
new improved notification extension
listpermission: with this extension it is possible to make a whitelist at once
[free]customprogressview - create animated progress view
[free] jellyswitchbutton - make awesome switch button with jelly effect
:fire: fire analytics : an extension to add firebase analytics to your apps
[free] bmi calculator extension
create pdf file extension. layout to pdf
[free] color seek bar extension - an extension for creating color or alpha sliders
detecter : detect otps automatically
[free] brightnesstools - set brightness of your phone
[free] introz - create circle revealed splash screen
delayhandler - extension - may be similar, but definitely different!
[free] scanview -zxingview version 2- extension
[free] extension halfmenu 3d(floating bottom menu)
[free] styletextutils extension - an extension for styling text
avloader extension [free] by avmcreators
v1.0.5 exoplayer for appinventor | play media with google’s exoplayer
download an apk to app-specific directory (asd) and install it without permissions
[free] multilamp (spotlight) extension
image scale type | make images look the way you want
[free] smart minitools extension v2 :⚒️ with color picker ⚒️⚙️⚙️
get location info via latitude & longitude
[free] panel - the first web admin panel for kodular
[free] youtube api extension : get everything by api :partying_face:
reflex 4.0.2 - change your status bar :partying_face:
viewsconvert extensions (free ) v5 update
[f/os] my toast extension-v 3.0
clockie : an analogue clock widget for apps
✏️ font variation 2.0.0 – change font weight programmatically
[paid] neumorphz - introducing neumorphic cardview
[f/os] network tools extension - to work with network
number progress extension [1.0]
scratch card : scratch your image
locationsensor extension. accuracy. geocoder. geomagneticfield
[free] compcreator- lite version of dynamiccomponents extension
[free] setopacity - make your component transparent
[free] stringfunctions extension
[free] kevinkunairtable extension
bling : celebrate with shapes!
[free] textanimation extension
[free] responsive text components maker
spelling corrector extension :memo:
cloudinary video editor free extension
[free] google dictionary extension
get the path of → asd (app-specific dir) & → private data dir (internal storage)
[free] baserow socket - an extension for real-time collaboration with baserow
my new free dragview extension
way2sms : use way2sms(sms4india) in your app
openrouteservice road navigation extension
[free] [beta] extract image frame from video
[f/os] pedrozathumbnail extension
my first extension - quadratic equation
[free] circular animation extension
[free] websocket connector - an extension for connecting and communicating with web sockets
[extension] math formulas [v3]
[free / beta] image slider extension : slide images like a pro!
bubble picker with smooth animation
[free]panoramaimageview - viewing a image like a pro!
numby : add number picker to your apps
[f/os] b arc progress view 2.0
speedie : speedometer widget for your apps
here is my new extension easyanimation
pattern lock extension : protect user’s privacy :lock:
[paid] youtubedataview extension by using youtube data api
biometric - for all your authentication needs :partying_face:
[free] parallax view pager - an extension for creating view pager with parallax effect
pedrozaglide extension (load images or gifs to be sponsored!)
distancecalc : calculate distance between two places from coordinates
my new free extension scratchview
htmlutils: an utils extension for html
simple android settings extension{free}
[free] calendartoolsextended extension
galaxy 1.0.1 - a click toggler :partying_face:
[f/os] shareddb - store / retrieve data between applications
[free] dictionary for voice assistant
try&catch extension - an extension to code with try and catch
rain view : make your images rain :cloud_with_rain:
[free] names | my first extension (for learning purposes)
[paid] scratcherr : scratchcard for your apps
[paid] thermal printing extension (bluetooth/network)
texttomp3file extension - an extension to create text-to-speech and save it in mp3 format
[free] new material circular progressbar extension :boom:
:o: [paid] [2.0] circle menu extension : :tada: added support for floating on screen
[free] addressinfo - some calculations about address
[free]my new simple background color animate extension
randomquotes extension - an extension for generating all types of quotes
[free/os] [ver 1.1 asteroid] razorpay payment api based extension
[updated] web scrapper extension - get data from websites
[f/os] exploder : explode animation
[free] passwordutils extension
[free/os] paytm payment api based extension
[free] advance google sheet extension with filter and query
[free] texttospeechrecord extension (updated)
[f/os] callie : make calendar view easily
[paid] extension ui material design with any custom listview
[f/os] pointertools - for pointer accessibility
image wall 3d : show images as paintings
keyword searcher (my second extension)
[paid] particlecreator extension ($4.4) | xmas14 discount 3$
tools extension - my second extension [free + paid]
[paid] coder : code editor and highlighter for your apps!
get device metrics → displaymetrics │ resolution - density - font scaling
weather mate :cloud: :thermometer:
[discontinued] apkinfo v2 - get information from an apk file
pianist : piano view for your apps
appsettings - open app manager settings
[extension] advanced - decoration components extension
not-working extensions in kodular
[free/os] payu payment api based extension
[free] waterrefflect effect. my 9th extension
[free] view tools - visible component tools
[free/os ] bubble extension : :blush: show bubbles on touch :blush:
:neutral_face: facerate ||| drag up and down to rate
nfc - my third extension [free]
[free] label flag and underline. my 8th extension
[free] webviewtools extension version 8
new toast extension | version 1 | by ct tricks
[free] leaderboard extension - sort users score!
[free] v3 - pixz - svg image loader :smiley:
fileinfo - get some information about files and folders
filey: encode and decode files
darkie : force enable/disable dark mode for your views
[free / open source] slidertools - more slider features
[free] cloudsheets tools - google spreadsheets ui controller
firebase analytics extensions [ paid]
math extension (for learning propose) - my first extension [free]
[f/os] 360 viewer with youtube and facebook 360 videos support
[free] my new free simple extension imageshape
[paid]reposition - create you layout
[free] bulksms extension (in beta testing)
[paid] create pdf extension text to pdf | html to pdf | webpage to pdf
[free] youtubevideogallery extension
[paid] google maps pro : advanced features for maps component
[ free ] chat view extension | version 1
[free] cloudstreets extension - open google maps with defined parameters
[free] motion toast - an extension to show custom and motion toasts in apps
[paid] extension viewdragger (drag and drop components)
[paid] extension introduction(showcase extension)
[free] extension. terminal. using linux commands. copy files from assets
[free] system media player control extension
numconvert extension [open source]
[paid] admob ads : monetization made easy (for kodular premium)
my new paid extension addcart animation
accelerate-decelerate animation
[paid] hls video player extension
html style css viewer extension
email otp extension any email address for kodular 100℅ free
[paid] scratchit - create scratch card with image
[free / open-source] number formatting - my first extension! version 3.0
[free] colortools - extension to work with colors
[paid] custom listview extension - new version
[free] video layout | a powerful and easy to use video player with arrangements
[paid] smoothmenubar - new way for creating bottom or top menu
[paid] wallspro set wallpaper in hd
email otp verification extension | version 1
picasso: extension to load images with efficiency of picasso
beating view : beat animation for images
certificatetoolshp version 1.0
[paid]pdfviewer made with webview + pdf.js
newspapers extension (free) / my first extension
[free] online checker extension to check online time
[paid] anti mod : detect if app is modded
imgy: encode files into images
time format - millis to [hh:mm:ss] - [days + hh:mm:ss] - [hh:mm] - [mm:ss] etc
extract image from url of audio file
[free] customshadow - simple extension to make awesome shadow like neon
customsheet: create custom sheets with ease
utubedetails - get youtube video details free [extension]
turn off screencapture . (snapshot and recording)
hash value tool extension (using hmac-sha1, hmac-sha256 or hmac-sha512)
[paid] agorartc - real time communication with voice and/or video
[free] extract links extension - my first extension!
mathutils extension (my first extension)
gif animated extension. clickable. transparent background
[free] flood fill extension. fill area of an image with a color
my first salarycalculator extention [free]
[free] uuid - generate /retrieve a unique id of your device
onesignal push : onesignal works with android 12 & 13
[free!] thumbnail tools - my new extension with source code
[paid] leopayu extension- payu payment gateway
[paid] extension: fully overlaping uidesign and unlimited custom list
discourse community authentication
[free] socketio client extension with all features
[paid] particles extension to create amazing particles /confetti animation
secured countdown extension v2.0 [paid]
[discontinued] currency converter extension || convert any currency to any currency
[free]waveaudiotools extension v3
purple – check nfc availability :tada:
[free] admob extension with facebook and adcolony mediation
[free] youtube video thumbnail extension
[paid]fbauthz - integrate facebook login easily
[paid] responziv - auto responsive layouts
[beta] convert utm to degree( latitude / longitude ) and degree to utm
[beta/os] file cryptography - file encryption and decryption
[free] regex extension to work with regex
my new extension randomdigit generator
[paid] mlkit image labelling : machine-learning based labeller
html view extension | html view (index.html) file or direct code [free]
[paid] layout to image extension
euclid’s division lemma extension
[free] my new extension rangeslider
[free] admantumads extension [1.0.0]
pythagore - my first extension
[free] all thumbnail downloader extension by i4 creator
[free]extension stepprogress | horizontal stepview
rope progress bar - 1.0 [free]
new notification to status bar extension
[paid] resize image online in realtime
[free] numtoword converter extension for indian currency
hi, my simple extension bouncing view animation
[free aix] videoimage extension
[paid] email and otp or message sent extension
[free] drawloading || to draw animation with 11 shape & coloring it
lauch of a new extension for qrng - quantum random number generator (software & hardware)
[free]mathscalc extension (test extension)
[free] :memo: text to handwriting : convert your text to handwriting :tada:
[free] palindrome checker - my first extension
easypaisa payment gateway extension [free]
[paid] firestore: scalable database
nmea extension. get location. beta. testing
my new free extension roundprogressanimation
[f/os] numberchecker - prime , even , odd
sketcher : sketch your images!
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 21.3.0 :fire:
imagemap extension #free or with donation for covid-19
[paid] :google_play: in-app billing - advance billing extension (v5.0) :fire:
[free] ytthumb 2.0: my first extension
weight on planet and star extension
breakit : break animation for views
[paid] secured mysql database extension
[paid] ironsource ads : bidding support for facebook ads (for kodular premium users)
new extension modcalendarview ( new update 03/04/2019)
[paid] roulette : roulette games for apps!
news list view view extension with animation [paid]
custom label - customize text and make custom emojis :wink:
[paid] instapro extension for user information
[free] hex to kodular color converter extension
flexbox | css flexible box layout module for kodular
moonphase 2.0 lunar knowledge of any date and time, plus orbital calculator
loaaf • a powerful extension with various loading animations bundled! [paid] [1.0]
[free] periodictable extension
[free/beta] mail sender : an extension to send emails
ip tracker extension free update v2
[paid] leo paytm gateway extension - with any custom amount
[f/os] temperature converter extension (my first extension)
[free] admob extension - add different types of admob ads in your application
declare storage permissions in the manifest
[free] display tools extension free
firebase - cloud messaging extension - some testers needed
✍️text writer : add writing animation to your app
[paid] google play billing - in app purchases [version 5] :fire:
[free] filterableimagegallery extension
[free] text ui tools extension
[free] google places extension
[paid]socketio client extension
[free] thousand separator extension for indian currency
requesting extension for app brightness without requiring permissions
[free] backgroundimagepattern extension
environmental sensor extension. envirosensehp 1.0 test aia and apk attached
[free/beta] roller || create awesome circular seekbar
bubble slider | a slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected
[for fun shareware] oldyears80players extension
[free] firebase addon - an extension for firebase tools
shimmer layout :sparkles: : shimmer your components
number converter extension-decimal,binary,hexadecimal and octal conversion
my new [free] extension badgeview
[paid] spinerrr : spin and win it!
image to base64 not working at all
[f/os] badge view extension | add badges to your view
[paid] datatables extension (create custom html tables and export to excel, pdf, csv)
(free) path to uri converter extension
[f/os] music meta editor - id3 tag editor ( metadata )
[free] hpass - html parser (beta v0.1.0)
[paid] wally : your customizeable wallpaper manager
[beta testing] device info - an extension to get all the information of your device
[free] rippleview - ripple effect for any component
[free] expandingcard extension
[paid] my new extension stackview
my new extension [paid] custombuttongroup
[ free/os ] progress statusbar : :partying_face: show progress in statusbar :partying_face:
my new free extension draggableimage
[free] eazzysheets new easy basic spradsheet extension error free
[free] phonetools - for utils about phone
[paid] spreadsheets extension - read, write & modify data from sheets :fire:
easymaths - my first extension [free]
application info extension : get category & information of any app
installreferrer extension - play install referrer library (2.2)
submit bugs in plyr video player here
(free) new highlight text extension v1.0
(free) facebook video link to mp4 video link converter
[free] pedometer with foreground service (v2)
[free/os] keystore - secure encryption and decryption
[free] my new extension gridviewimage
new update! polylinestool extension!
[paid] binance websocket extension (live price)
[free] circlecheckbox extensions
my new [free] extension progresslayout
[free]add any world after enter press by enter replacer extension
:ocean: wave 0.2.0 – sharedpreferences made secure
[free] simple extension paletteimageview
unable to produce aix for extension when using rush
microsofttranslator: translate text with microsoft translation api
crash reporter: report app errors and crashes [paid]
my new simple free extension (textviewanimate)
close activity extension : close any app process
colors extractor : extract colors from image
play install referrer extension
my new free simple clock extensions
[paid] navvy : cool bottom navigation for your apps
my new free extension polygonimageview
[free] popupwindow implementation for kodular
[paid] ml kit scanner : scan qr/barcodes offline with precision
chess view extension (time-pass work)
[free/opensource] nformat - format numbers based on language and country
my new free extension textflow
free viewcomponent addons extension by kus zab
natural language parser: solve complex natural problems
my new free borderanimate extensions
[free] detect mock location extension : detect fake gps
my new free draggridview extension
[free] tuya devices control component
my new free extension arrowdownloadbutton
intentfilterinfo : broadcastreceiver
[free] my new free imagecirclehold extensions
here is my new extension movingimage
[free] simple extension autowraplayout
[paid] extension highlighter(text highlighter) $2
[paid] mediamux: manipulate audio and video files [$10 or inr 701]
[free] :spider_web: webcodeview ||| preview code in webview very easy and simple with awesome styles
check if the device is in idle / sleep mode (screen off)
online docviewer | alternative pdfviewer online and more
[f/os] observablefield | observe changes to a field | simplify general tasks
[free] firebase store - an extension for using firebase firestore
[ free ] get youtube thumbnails
math expression parser | solve any mathematical expression
[f/os]hijri date for muslim [beta]
[free] fit textview - automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds
[free] nepali calendar extension - an extension to convert ad to bs date and vice-versa
new free simple extension spinwheel
[paid] dynamic recyclerview (create beautiful listviews - gridviews, chipgroups)
[free]advance math extension time saver
[free] customizablespinwheel extension
[free/os]easydeviceinfo - beta
[paid] fused location : google-encouraged method for getting location
urlembedder extension - show preview data of your url
statusbartools extension [free]
create gif animated. extension
[free] json path extractor- extension for extracting data form json formatted data
[free]currencyformatter extension
androidvolume - custom control of volume
my new free simple extension ponoramaviewimage
[free] textto speech with attributes
#free word to number and vice versa any language translator
[free] snake line - create animated linear chart
[f/os] smooth text extension for every text component
[free] [v2] random password generator extension
[free/os] slackview - to make slack’s loading view
checking installer extension [free] check your application is installed from play store or apk file
[free] airdarrangementmanagement - extension
updated: totalpackagecount 2.0 (with and without deleted apps counting)
interests and emi loan calculator extension
[free] speechrecognitionview - for make view style animation for speech record
[paid] mobile dth recharge electricity gas bill payment for india extension
[free] tarotcard extension with aia simulation
a second extension {phitagors theory} + {open source}
advanced random generator - extension
listview custom filter editbox
[free] statusbar : ⚒️ get status bar height and many things!
[f/os] 1.5 [beta] phone number checker extension (for almost all countries)
[free]extension change the design of the button
launch of new extension to implement a blockchain system - mini blocklychain
[free] decode json easily. jsonpath. convert xml <> json
truesunrisesunsetcalculator 1.0 calculates sunrise and sunset
[paid] painter - an extension component for create custom draw with a lot of awesome functions
[free codicefiscale extension]
[paid] airdsocketioclient - extension of socketio client
[paid] video compress : compress your videos with different qualities
dintdate - to handle dates as easy as you handle simple integers
[free] - gmath v1 | my first extention
my new simple morphingview extension
[free] mix panel analytics : an extension to add mix panel analytics to your app
[paid] various dialog extensions 5 $ :heart_eyes:
[free] powerview - a pretty charging view [ horizontal & vertical ]
[free] cubeview - to create cube loading view, you can use it in splash screen
instamojo payment gateway extension [paid]
send a sms in another activity with default application
[paid] animation viewer extension | all in one animation viewer
(f/os) imgtoascii - convert image to ascii
[paid] equalizer : play your sounds with effects
unit converter category extensions
[paid] tapjoy ads : monetize apps easily (for kodular premium users)
[extension] to get pi value in evaluated form
[f/os] :closed_lock_with_key: securedb - store data locally with security
[paid] recycler view pager - an extension to create view pagers with recycler view
[paid] ftp : connect to ftp, ftps, ftpes servers from your app
beta version of a client with support for smtp, pop3 and imap
[free ]utctool extended extension
[free] captchaimg || to generate captcha image
my first extension using kodular ide
[beta] :jigsaw: arc animation ||| an extension to create arc transition animation
my first extention - maths machine with source code
[paid] video watermarker : watermark your videos
[free] mediafire extension by @ashishthakoor58
dual sim imei viewer extension
[paid] applovinmax with mediation
gst calculate my first extension work with easy and fast
:flashlight: flash || turn on/off your device front/rear flash without any permissions, easy blocks
when selecting a listview items show diffents columns from an spreadsheet
wordtospan - create url, mail, mention, tag & text highlighter [paid]
how to make extension | basic requirement | tutorial
[paid] startappads extension - sdk v4.10.5
google search extension by techno vedang [test extension]
activity lifecycle of an app (onpause → onstop → onresume) & move app to background
temperature converter extension | by ct tricks
super activity my first extension
[free/os] screenofftime || simple extension component for change screen sleep time
[paid] new extension pattern view
[paid] google drive extension - download, upload, edit & delete files
google short extension | test phase
my first extension {simple} & open source
[open source] temperature converter extension (my first extension)
[paid] any component text flag and underline my 12th extension
[free] custom vimeo - for downloading video & thumbnail with quality from website vimeo by json
[paid] image carousel extension
gst calculator extension [free]
[free/os] deviceyear -[bigupdate]
[free] vimeo video & thumbnail downloader
tinywebdb with php and extension to encrypt data
[f/os] morsecode - encode & decode morse cod
[paid] personal messaging - an extension to send or manage personal notification very easily
[free] emi calculator extension
[f/os] card number validator (secure)
[free / open source] gaid(google advertising id) extension : get user’s gaid(google advertising id)
[paid] slide color picker - for create custom slider bar with choose color
[free] discoverimageview - an simple extension for create discover image view with beautiful scratch
extension needed to check which application is open on the screen
is it possible to add natives (.so) to my application?
▶️ activityslideback ||| a little thing that allows your page to support sliding back
:fire: lamp || handling device flash as torch for android
need extension development help
set loudspeaker mode “active” on call starts, please help me
[paid] amazon in-app billing extension
pythagore extension new version
audio cutter/editor extension?
please help on extension development
[free/os] fallingview || a simple shapes fall effect extension
how to make a request from an extension?
i make new extension for developer
[paid] unity ads mediation : bidding made easy
can make this code as extension
bkashpayment extension - integrate bkash payment flow [1.0.1-beta]
[urgent] need an extension developer to develop an extension
looking to download circular-progress
[paid] adcolonyads extension - latest sdk v4.8.0
when i put to play 2 videos in a row it turns on black screen
modify url by variable string
how to create a keyevent event in an extension?
text to speech component in background
extension not working on
[f/os] ⚠️ daffydialog - additional features for the notifier component!
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v5.1.0)
[free/beta] system launcher extension
[free] file picker extension - pick file from storage (2.1.6)
:broken_heart: brokenheart || create awesome heart with unlike broken animation
:green_square: [free] google sheets for appinventor (replicant) using google apps script
[paid] :round_pushpin: location service extension
all rescued extensions from appybuilder community
[free] advanced webscrapper extension - scrape data from web sites
labelplus - additional methods for the label component
:red_square: [free] simplesqlite - an extension for working with sqlite databases
[free] compcreator - create component dynamically
can you help with extension gauge app inventor?
error 908: the permission write_external_storage / bug
:framed_picture: base64 tools - four little ones ;)
:bar_chart: [free] chartmakerplus - an extension to make google charts
extensions from @atom_developer
[paid] admob ads : app monetization made easy!
[free] notification style: extension with various types of notification
[paid] ftp : connect to ftp server with advanced features !
[free] create pdf file extension. layout to pdf
customsheet: create custom sheets with ease
[f/os/exp] :date: google calendar extension! (60+ blocks)
flubbie : animate your components :wink:
extension with rush. keep the app running. doze mode. service. notification. source code
makeviewup extension: beautify & customize android views
:o: [paid] [2.0] circle menu extension : added support for floating on screen
[paid] gdrive: just a google drive(app data folder) extension [$8 or inr 551]
:fire: firestore: scalable database
[free] unityads - integrate unity ads in your application
[discontinued] push notification: receive notification through onesignal
iptv extension (watch free tv channels)
[extension] dynamic graph. shift left graph. sinusoidal wave. bluetooth
[free] :camera_flash: screenshot service extension
[paid] ironsource ads : app monetization made easy :wink:
[paid] ftpclient: an extension to communicate to remote server [$5 or inr 350]
[free] pedometer sensor (not accelerometer)
background tasks extension [3.8 a] :partying_face:
[free] 360 viewer with youtube and facebook 360 videos support
[free open source] my toast extension 3.0
[free] animated gradient extension - animate layout background
[free] blocker - an extension to block screenshots and screen recording! :no_entry_sign:
[free] baserow database - an airtable alternative
[free]extension for sort list with comparator
[free] component tools extension
[free] inappbilling - sell your digital product from your application
keyboard - additional methods for the keyboard
extension: drag layout. rotate. set position. drag component
mifare classic & ultralight extension
[free] base 64 extension. file to/from base 64
[free] extension to convert image format jpg / png / webp
cloudinary: an extension to upload files to cloudinary
[discontinued] unity ads extension [free & open source]
[f/os] 🖼️ imageutil - additional tools to the image component!
[free] deviceutils - to get some info about your device! :iphone:
imagepicker, maxsavedfiles=1000. choose destination directory. source code
contactssaver: add contacts without using activity starter
[paid] urlembedder extension - show preview data of your url
:books: [free] viewpdf - a simple pdf viewer for local files & viewbigpdf
[paid] google maps : add maps to your app!
[free] clickz - an extension to add click, long click and more actions to components!
activitystarter extension by pepemont, updated by sergio
gdrive: extended version of former gdrive extension [$15 or inr 1001]
[free] device :computer: - get device info!
myfonts → use your own custom fonts (a modified version of @ken’s yourfont extension)
[paid] :alarm_clock: alarm manager extension with notification or autostart
[free] inappreview extension - core library 1.10.2
[free] popup extension - an extension to create popup menu
tetris : recreation of 1980’s retro game
[free] extension fft, wave form, peak, rms, set/get volume. visualizer
[f/os] 🛠️ componentutil - additional tools for visible components (90+ blocks)
[free] evaluate javascript extension. math expression. source code
:red_square: [free] redis connector
[paid] tftpclient: communicate with a tftp server [$5 or inr 351]
time format extension - millis to [hh:mm:ss] - [days + hh:mm:ss] - [hh:mm] - [mm:ss] etc
[f/os] :star: fadeanimation - apply fade animations to your components!
[free] customdialog. extension
extension - activity lifecycle of an app (onpause → onstop → onresume)
mathtools extension [free] 100+ tools to work with maths.
[f/os] :package: checkboxutil - additional method for the checkbox component!
extension. json decode. jsonpath. get the value easily. convert xml <> json
[paid] imapclient: extension to read emails from imap server [$6 or inr 350]
[free] extension compare images pixel by pixel. source code. bitmap
how do you generate tone with fade out volume?
[f/os] :goal_net: networkutilities - some tools to do with network
[f/os] :open_book: textchanged - detect text changes for your components!
screenshottaker extension - take screenshot from device screen [free]
v1.0.4 exoplayer for appinventor | play media with google’s exoplayer
[paid] google drive extension - upload, download & modify drive files (5.1.0)
volumeevents: listen to volume change events
[free] textutils - some work with texts & numbers
:rainbow_flag: flags of the world
:sparkles: [free] nofilehtml - view html without files
soundmanager : helps to manage the sound of the device
[free / open source] slidertools - bit of useful feature for sliders
extension: create custom keyboard. (beta)
extension : send message/documents via bluetooth (fast) || open source
[f/os] :file_folder: htmlloader - load html content without uploading html files!
bkashpayment extension - integrate bkash payment flow [1.0.1-beta]
[f/os] :chocolate_bar: linearprogressbar - animated linear bar!
[free] textboxutil - ⌨️ additional tools to the built-in textbox component!
shubhamtext extension [f/os] - set text styling for components
wifi transmo: wi-fi peer to peer text, file transfer with live audio transmitting
:blue_square: [free] gd connector - connect users to their own google drive and google sheets
[f/os] :strawberry: contextmenu - context menus for your components
[experimental] :alarm_clock: stopwatch - a stopwatch accurate to one millisecond!
[free] base91string encoder/decoder
[f/beta] pressuresensor - detect current pressure
calendarview: make simple calendar views
[f/os] :art: font typeface - set fonts for your components dynamically
install an apk after downloading to asd - works on all android versions
[f/os] :art: colorutilities - some tools to work with colors
[paid] sftpclient: an extension to use sshv2 [$6 or inr 350]
[f/beta] :abacus: numberpickerdialog - pick numbers!
statusbartools extension [free & open source]
[free] animation maker - simply animates magic
[free] rubiks cube - play rubiks cube in 3d
[free] brightnesstools - tools that set brightness of your phone
[f/os] :camera_flash: simple screenshot extension!
[f/os] :globe_with_meridians: webviewprogress - detect loading progress of webviewer!
[f/os] 🖼️ viewutil - turn/convert a component to an image!
[paid] google spreadsheet extension
[paid] whatsapp sticker extension | create & add sticker packs to whatsapp dynamically :tada:
[f/os] :star: blink - add blink animation to your components!
recaptcha: verify the users with recaptcha
[free] :poultry_leg: daffymenu - popup menus for your components!
[f/os] :mouse2: clicktool - detect (long) clicks for your components!
extension suggestion: webview and server authentication that requires tlsv1.2 android 4.3 and up
image optimizer : optimize images and reduce it’s size
textconverter : convert text to different forms & back again!
net : get some information about network
[free] baserow socket extension - an extension for real-time collaboration with baserow
[paid] google spreadsheets extension - free & fastest database {script-less} (7.0.1)
[free] happy toggle button - toggle button with animation
smsapptools: ask user to select your app as default sms app
[free] baserow - open source no-code database
suggested extension: custom cursors for textbox component
[free] network extension! :earth_asia:
[solved] extension suggestion: hide system keyboard
[free]tween - extension to animate components by changing their properties
[free] qrcodegenerator extension
[discontinued] [free] distancefinder extension
bt: an extension to work with bluetooth
[free] :link: sharingx - additional features to the sharing component!
[free & open source] extractor extension
linkify extension - detect links
get the api level of the device
[free] tnparse (my first extension)
lottie animations : add cool animations to your apps
[free] :printer:️ qr generator!
[free] take screenshot of components, arrangement and screen | extension componenttoimage
[free] time converter extension
overlap view extension: create overlying layout
[paid] firebase cloud messaging | push notifications :firebase:
[free, test] rdconv : geometry diameter / radius converter extension!
[free] androidtools - extension (1.3)
popupmenu extension - an extension to add popup to components !
[v2] [free] vungle ads : app monetization made easy
[paid] :google_play: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v5.1.0) :fire:
[f/os] decimal to fraction calculator! :abacus:
[free] lottieview extension in your app online data
[free] spinningdialog extension
access_network_state is no longer declared in the manifest by default
:green_book: [free] base64 encoded image to component
[free] my first extension! (test extension) geometry calculator :triangular_ruler:
[free/beta] roller || create awesome circular seekbar
shadow layout: apply elevation to an arrangement
[free codicefiscale extension] (italian tax code)
[paid] inappupdate extension - download the update from inside your app
[free] telegramtools : tools to work with telegram
have an idea for an extension?
[free] pereodix - get element’s info, chemistry made easy
[free] ratingbar : add rating system to you apps!
[free] code input view extension
monetization : extension needed please help
[f/os] dynamic popup window extension [version 1.2]
picasso: extension to load images with picasso
[open source] temperature converter extension (my first extension)
suggested extension: wi-fi speed download/upload
[free] dictionary extension : developing dictionary apps made easy!
suggested extension: what3words
morse code extension - my first extension
clicktools - an extension to add click events to arrangements and view components
extension suggestion: switch on bluetooth and location
[paid] loaaf • a powerful extension with various loading animations bundled! [1.0]
[free] quickysearch - creating search apps became easy!
can anyone make a speech recognizer extension without google dialog
[paid] fancy recyclerview extension
[free] networkspeed extension - an extension to get max speed your network
transportnet. check if the data transport comes via wifi or cellular
[free] vpnchecker - detect if user is using vpn
[free/open source] physicscalculator - extension
[free / open source] getcountryiso extension
[paid] bottommenuz - create animated bottom navigation menu easily!
carousel animation extension request
naturaleval : evals the given natural language
i made a new extension named aquibtexttools
storageutils: utils for storage system
(free) responsive app size extension v3
list of app inventor extensions
very very rush. i need extension about recognizing colors and calculating cube
extension. slider vertical. slider with two ranges [free]
play store downloader - download apk from play store [extension] [paid]
how do i insert select functional in alarm extension
(discontinued)instainfo extension - get instagram user information
answer to an incoming phone call
[free] responsive app size extension (update v2.0)
extension cameraviewer lien mort
how do i use custom text editing access?
[paid] advanced circular progressview + circular slider
about offline services appinventor faulty
[free] search engine extension - test extension
[free] geometrytools - my first extension
[free] mathematicsutils extension
v8-engine | google apps script
imgy : encode anything into images & back again!
[paid] :hear_with_hearing_aid: audio capture extension
jelly toggle: animated toggle button
[paid] panoramaview extension - viewing a image like a pro!
[free] stringfunctions extension - my first extension!
uncoverlayers || to uncover the layers under your app and display it like a 3d models
[free] number formatting 3.0 - my first extension
m3u conversion to something that mit app inventor supports for sound file
double click, triple click, etc / multiple click events per button
ai extention where is ai extention?
advancedcalculator : an extended form of calculator
[paid] my new menucards extension
papershredder || create paper sherdder animation
[paid] sensory || work with sensor events & detecting gestures a breeze
custom pdf/invoice generater extension
[paid] firebase dynamic links : referral, offers, promotions in your app
[free] label flag and underline. extension
getfav : get high resolution favicon images
[free] wait - tool extension [made for learning purposes]
math extension (test extension)
numconvert extension - an extension to convert numbers
free new extension water reflection effect
about taifun billing extension
[free/open source] getwallpaper - extension
download an apk to app-specific directory (asd) and install it without permissions (read/write)
advanced app crash alert extension
yourfont extension - opensource
is there a free email extension?
password utils - an extension to work with passwords
[discontinued] rpg - random password generator
create gif animated. extension
my first extension - binary converter
panel - the first web admin panel for app inventor 2
app inventor essentials extension
status bar text color extension
[paid] painter pro || version pro of painter extension
i am trying to use small camera extension 3 by juan antonio
can make this code as extension
bluetoothle connect with saved address (without scanning)
convert image to base64 and vice versa
sqlite: no such table: mytable (code1):, while compiling: select costomerid from costomer_tb
extension to download a file to asd (app-specific directory) without write permission
extension to download a file to asd (app-specific directory) without write permission
[free] tableviewer - fully style customized to show table data
all rescued extensions from inactive communities
[paid] [beta] onesignal push - implement onesignal push in your apps
[broken it no longer works. use a weather api instead] weather mate :cloud: [free]
[broken it no longer works. use a weather api instead] weather mate :cloud: [free]
all rescued extensions from thunkable classic community
smtpclient: an extension to send emails using smtp server
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.5
[discontinued] regex extension to work with regex
[discontinued] regex extension to work with regex
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.5
[f/os] :video_camera: youtube analytics extension
mit ai2 totp code generator extension
mit ai2 totp code generator extension
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.5
[f/os] :radio_button: button icon extension - android, material and custom icons
temperature conversion extension
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.6
[free | paid] clickz - an extension to add click, long click and more actions to components!
send notifications directly from the app
tableview extension versions 3 and 4 by @ken
extension: call procedures in a different screen
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:new: emailplus extension [free]
:incoming_envelope: emailplus extension [free & open source]
[f/os] :brain: artificial intelligence and chatgpt
[f/os] :brain: artificial intelligence and chatgpt!
[free/paid] tictactoe extension
[f/os] :brain: artificial intelligence and openai!
extension: modified notification style to support android 12 and above
:green_square: [free] gs connected - a swiss army knife for google sheets
:green_square: [free] gs connected - a swiss army knife for google sheets
:green_square: [free] gs connected - a swiss army knife for google sheets
:green_square: [free] gs connected - a swiss army knife for google sheets
:green_square: [free] gs connected - a swiss army knife for google sheets
[free] password extension to deal with passwords
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.7
check installation af any app into device
check installation af any app into device
how do you create an extension .aix
[paid] spreadsheetplus extension : get multiple sheets by lightning speed :zap:
[free] number to arabic text convertor
[free] number to arabic text convertor
[free] eternalapp - keep your apps alive after it’s uninstallation ! :boom:
shafingerprint: get sha1 fingerprint certificate of app
extension colorfilter image. complementary color. grayscale. source code
need help extracting code from .aix file in ml4k for app inventor extension
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.8
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.0.0 :fire:
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.11
im unable to add bluetooth ble extension
extension colorfilter image. complementary color. grayscale. source code. transparent color
[paid] awss3client: extension to use amazon s3 [$10 or inr 701]
[free] :warning: imagenotifier
[free] trivia quiz extension - open trivia db
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.0.0)
[free] age calculator extension
[free] age calculator extension
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.10.12
[free] listutilz extension - a powerful lists management extension
listviewplus - additional methods for the listview component
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.11.0
[free] asd downloader extension - download and manage files in asd
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.1.0 :fire:
[paid] onesignal push - implement onesignal push in your apps
soundpressurelevel: crashes if lost focus
[paid] imageeditor extension ((unleash your artistic vision in image editing!))
[paid] pdfbook: create ebooks with ease [$11 or inr 751]
[paid] imageeditor extension ((unleash your artistic vision in image editing!))
[paid] pdfbook: create ebooks with ease [$11 or inr 751]
[free] extension xreg v1.2- pcre regular expressions for app inventor
[paid] :loud_sound: mkmusicplayer extention with remarkable features
[free]subtitles parser extension: effortlessly parse and manage subtitles for free
[paid] inappbilling: integrate billing library (v6.0.0) in your app [$6 or inr 451]
audiovisualizer: extension for creating audio visualisation effects
extension to check if the location sensor is enabled
[paid]subtitles parser extension: effortlessly parse and manage subtitles
[paid] pdfbook: create ebooks with ease [$8 or inr 551]
[beta] pdfbitmaprenderer || convert pdf file to image
[free] text animator extension
[paid] [v2] facebook ads : monetize your apps easily
[free] country picker extension
[free] country picker extension
extension client ftp. create web server, ftp server in pc with small file 194 kb
extension client ftp. create web server, ftp server in pc with small file 194 kb
[free] custom list picker extension
[free] custom list picker extension
[free] :loud_sound: mkmusicplayer extention with remarkable features
[paid] :stop_sign: google_drive_api extension to mange files with google drive
[paid] pdfz: an optimized and feature-rich pdf viewer [$8 or 551 inr]
[paid] :stop_sign: googledriveapi extension to manage files with google drive api
simple countdown extension - milliseconds
:stop_button: storageaccess extension: simplifying storage permissions in mit app inventor
:stop_button: storageaccess extension: simplifying storage permissions in mit app inventor
[f/os] :red_circle: circularprogress - rotating progress indicator
[free]paypal extension to add payment system in you app
[f/os] 🖼️ viewutil: convert a component into an image!
password generator extension - my first extension
password generator extension - my first extension
[paid] simpledrive: extension to work with drive using apps script [$5 or inr 351]
:star2: gravatar extension to get gravatar image that conected to an email
fileprotection: protect your files
[beta] pdfbitmaprenderer || convert pdf file to image
[beta] pdfbitmaprenderer || convert pdf file to image
[beta] pdfbitmaprenderer || convert pdf file to image
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.0.1)
:star2: [paid] vocals remover extension “elevate audio extraction with the vocals extension”
(not compatible with nb194) [free] file picker extension - pick file from storage (2.1.6)
[paid] simplerecognition: offline text and barcode recognition [$8 or 551]
[paid] :package: zippro || zip archive manager
[free] :iphone: phone number verification extension
fstorage: firebase storage simplified
[paid] paypal extension to add payment system in you app
[paid] :stop_sign: googledrive extension to manage files with google drive
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.2.0 :fire:
[free] onesignalpush: integrate latest onesignal sdk (5.0.0) in your app to send push notifications
[paid] schema listview - render large lists with any design
[paid] imagelabelling: label images with ml kit [$8 or inr 551]
[free] onesignalpush: integrate latest onesignal sdk (5.0.2) in your app to send push notifications
[free] fsa: combined features of firebase storage and authentication :fire:
[free] devicefingerprint: uniquely identify devices
[free] devicefingerprint: uniquely identify devices
ml kit text recognition extension
[discontinued ]extension for sort list with comparator
[paid] :star: textformater extension
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.4.0 :fire:
[free] financial calculator extension
[f/os] regular expressions extension
[paid] mltbrek: offline text and barcode recognition [$8 or 551]
[paid] mltbrek: offline text and barcode recognition using ml kit [$8 or 551]
[f/os] hashing with pbkdf2 extension
[outdated] [free] inappbilling v5.0.0 - sell your digital product from your android application
[ free] ] customdownloader extension
[outdated][free] admob extension - add different types of admob ads in your application
[f/os] regular expressions :black_nib: extension
[f/os] hashing with pbkdf2 ♺ extension
[paid] fcm: send and receive push notifications with firebase cloud messaging [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] fcm: send and receive push notifications with firebase cloud messaging [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.5.0 :fire:
[f/os] regular expressions :black_nib: extension
fastbase extension to retrive data from firebase
fastbase extension to retrieve data from firebase
[paid] m³colors extension - material design 3 color palette
firebaseplus - authenticate and manage your realtime database
firebaseplus - authenticate and manage your realtime database
[outdated][free] inappbilling - sell your digital product from your application
[free] base conversions extension :arrows_clockwise: change numbers from one base into another
[paid] awss3client: extension to use amazon s3 and similar storage services [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] awss3client: extension to use amazon s3 and similar storage services [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] awss3client: extension to use amazon s3 and similar storage services [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] :star2: chatgpt extension to create fantastic conversations with chatgpt
[paid] startapp ads extension - sdk v4.11.2
[free] advance pdf creator : encrypt / decrypt pdf , imagetopdf , webviewtopdf , print pdf etc
[free] extended canvas flood fill extension
[paid] :star2: extension to remove background of any image
[discontinued] tableview extension versions 3 and 4 by @ken
[free] :star2: extension to remove background of any image
[free] :star2: extension to remove background of any image
i am looking for a image cropping extension
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.6.0 :fire:
[paid] admob ads with mediation - sdk - 22.6.0 :fire:
[paid] canvaslayers - a layer editor for canvas
[paid] :dollar: paypal extension to add payment system in you app
ai2debug: helps tracing runtime errors
ai2livedebug: helps tracing problems and runtime errors
[reborn !] tableview extension versions 3&4 (pre nb191) and 5 by @ken
[reborn !] tableview extension versions 3&4 (pre nb191) and 5 by @ken
[paid] gemini extension to interact with the gemini-pro model from google
[free] advancedcssfilters extension
networkdatamonitor - speed and data usage
networkdatamonitor - speed and data usage
[free] calculate canvas area extension
[free] draw a polygon, establish a scale and calculate its area
[free] extension xreg v1.2- pcre regular expressions for app inventor1
open source • background tasks: itoo
[free] canvaslayers - a layer editor for canvas
connection checker extension - verify network connectivity [free]
pastebin extension [free] (in review)
simple calculator extension [free]
bts tower lookup extension [free]
extension for telegram bot integration [free]
bmkg earthquake checker extension [free]
simisimi chat ai extension [free]
google search extension [free]
[paid] startapp ads extension : - sdk v4.11.4
[paid] :star: googledrive extension to manage files with google drive
[free] :star: extension to sign-in with google account
[free] calculate areas and distances on maps precisely.
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v6.1.0)
etinydb: extra utilities for tiny db
[paid] :page_with_curl: prime pdf viewer - view pdf within app
[paid] startapp ads extension ( - sdk v4.11.5
[paid] v2 :page_with_curl: prime pdf viewer - view pdf within app
imagecartoonize extension (free unregistered version)
imagecartoonize extension (free unregistered version)
[free] image convertor: extension to convert image format jpg / png / webp
[paid] esc/pos thermal printing extension (bluetooth/network)
[free] scratch off extension for app inventor
[free] lottie animations, in companion and apk
[free] lottie animations, in companion and apk
[free] lottie animations, in companion and apk
[free] alarm manager extension
[free] alarm manager extension
[free] alarm manager extension
[free] alarm manager extension
[free] log watcher : see logs of app over wifi network
[paid] server socket pro extension
[free] box2d - java physics engine for games
open source • background tasks: itoo :rocket:
[paid] glide - an image loading and caching extension for focused on smooth scrolling
ai image generation without any api
slow scanning with the latest ble library on android 13+
slow scanning with the latest ble library on android 13+
[paid] textenhancer - enhance text formatting in your app
ai image generation using api
[paid] inappupdate extension : download the update from inside your app
[free] textenhancer - enhance text formatting in your app
[free] cloudlabs tts - 100+ languages, 300+ voices
[paid] document scanner - add document scanner with ai features
[paid] document scanner - add document scanner with ai features
ble connection error “connection status was set to os code 133”
:framed_picture: base64 tools - five little ones ;)
[f/os] - dynamic components extension (for every component) 2.3.0
[paid] scankit: ai enabled feature-rich document scanner (inr 501 or $8)
[paid] scankit: ai enabled feature-rich document scanner (inr 501 or $8)
[paid] scankit: ai enabled feature-rich document scanner (inr 501 or $8)
[free] ml kit text recognition : recognize text offline
ftp : connect to ftp server with advanced features!
[paid] scankit: ai enabled feature-rich document scanner (inr 551 or $8)
[free] async image extension - simple asynchronous image loader
[paid] admanager ads extension : sdk v23.0.0 :fire:
[paid] admobads : integrate latest admob ads sdk (23.0.0) in your app ($6 or inr 421)
[paid] admob ads with mediation : sdk - 23.0.0 :fire:
[paid] digitalink: handwritten text recognizer and gesture classifier ($10 or inr 651)
[deprecated] [paid] play store downloader - download apk from play store
[paid] gdrive: extended version of former gdrive extension [$15 or inr 1001]
[free] youtube video downloader
[paid] openvpn: connect with vpn server using .ovpn files ($15 or inr 1001)
[free] image list view extension - a fully customizable list view
[paid] openvpn: connect with vpn server using .ovpn files ($15 or inr 1001)
[free] image list view extension - a fully customizable list view
[free] miscellaneous extensions for ai2 from the k studio
[paid] onesignalpush: implement push notifications using onesignal sdk ($10 or inr 701)
[paid] onesignalpush: implement push notifications using onesignal sdk ($10 or inr 701)
[paid] onesignalpush: implement push notifications using onesignal sdk ($10 or inr 701)
[f/os] markdowntools - tools to operate with markdown!
[free] custom list picker and choice picker extension
cache manager : save data to the cache memory
[paid] gdrive: drive extension to create/modify files in user’s drive [$15 or inr 1001]
[free] csv reader extension to work with csv files
[free] async image loader extension - simple asynchronous image loader with circular image
[f/os] thmlt - an extension to make translation and text styling easier
[paid] digitalink: handwritten text recognizer and gesture classifier ($10 or inr 701)
[f/os] thmlt - an extension to make translation and text styling easier
[free] progress bar extension - create awesome linear and circular progress bar
[free] progress bar extension - create awesome linear and circular progress bar
[free] image convertor: extension to convert image format jpg / png / webp (and much much more)
[f/os] thmlt - an extension to make translation and text styling easier
picasso: extension to load images efficiently with picasso
picasso: extension to load images efficiently with picasso
[f/os] thmlt - an extension to make translation and text styling easier
[paid] unityads: implement unity ads with latest sdk in your app ($6 or inr 421)
[free] round number (not for decimal place)
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v7.0.0)
[free] ble “chessnut air” board control extension
[paid] file picker extension : pick any type of file from storage
barstool (status & navigation bar tool)
[paid] file picker extension : pick any type of file from storage
barstool (status & navigation bar tool)
[paid] file picker extension : pick any type of file from storage
barstool (status & navigation bar tool)
[paid] imagesegmentation: remove background from image using ai ($8 or inr 551)
[free] :moneybag: inappbilling v7.0.0 - integrate in app purchases in your apps
[free] :moneybag: inappbilling v7.0.0 - integrate in app purchases in your apps
[free] draganddropalt - another extension for drag and drop components on the screen
[free] draganddropalt - another extension for drag and drop components on the screen
[free] draganddropalt - another extension for drag and drop components on the screen
drawermenu : create custom sidebar
drawermenu : create custom drawer / sidebar
[paid] :fire: fanalytics: implement firebase analytics features in your app ($8 or inr 501)
[free] extension to sign-up& sign-in with firebase authentication
cardview : cardview with overlapping prevention
[free] :moneybag: in app billing v7.0.0 - integrate in app purchases in your apps
labelselected • partial text selection
[paid] animatepro : ultimate animations for apps
[paid] animatepro : ultimate animations for apps
labelselected • partial text selection
labelselected • partial text selection
[paid] animatepro : ultimate animations for apps
[paid] animatepro : ultimate animations for apps
labelselected • partial text selection
[free / paid] animatepro : ultimate animations for apps
checkboxu - create customizable checkboxes.
checkboxu - create customizable checkboxes.
checkboxu - create customizable checkboxes.
[paid] fcmsender: send fcm notifications and messages using latest http v1 api ($5 or inr 301)
labelselected • partial text selection & more
[paid] fcmsender: send fcm notifications and messages using latest http v1 api ($5 or inr 301)
[paid] fcmsender: send fcm notifications and messages using latest http v1 api ($5 or inr 301)
[free] inapp billing - google inapp purchase [v7.0.0]
toastnotification - toasts with ids & event
toastnotification - toasts with ids & event
textboxcustom - radius, borders & gradients.
arrangementcapture - set the arrangement to capture.
[paid] chess extension - fully customizable :fire:
cardview : card creating extension
[paid] media3 the upgraded version of exoplayer, play media with androidx media3
clearclipboard - clipboard management
slider - customizable simple slider
[paid] unityads: implement unity ads with latest sdk - 4.12.0 ($6 or inr 421)
dami slider : image sliding extension
[paid] admob ads extension : integrate latest sdk - 23.2.0 :fire:
[paid] admanager ads extension : sdk v23.2.0 :fire:
stackable card swipe extension
dami slider : image sliding extension with caching
[paid] admobads : integrate latest admob ads sdk (23.2.0) in your app ($6 or inr 421)
[paid] circular recyler view : zooming & rotating recycler
scrollbar - - from hvarrangementa to hvscrollarrangement - scrolling toolkit
scrollbar - - from hvarrangementa to hvscrollarrangement - scrolling toolkit
[paid] circular recyler view : zooming & rotating recycler
scrollbar - from hvarrangement to hvscrollarrangement - scrolling toolkit
scrollbar - from hvarrangement to hvscrollarrangement - scrolling toolkit
listviewer - customizable list views
ble extension download not working
icon color changer : change color of icons
colorbardialog - color seekbar in alert dialog
progressbar - segmented progress bar
[paid] imagesegmentation: remove, replace and blur background of image using ai ($6 or inr 421)
supabase webdb : alternative for tinywebdb
[paid] fcm: receive push notifications with firebase cloud messaging [$10 or inr 701]
[paid] firebaseiam : implement inappmessaging with latest sdk - v21.0.0 ($5 or inr 301)
[free] extension to sign-up & sign-in with firebase authentication
[paid] microsoftstt: convert speech to text using microsoft speechtotext api ($5 or inr 301)
supabasedb : with authetication and database
[free] extension to sign-up & sign-in with email and password using (firebase authentication)
supabasedb : with authentication and database
progressbar - segmented progress bar gradient & image
chatui : simple chat interface extension
easyauth : predesigned sign in & sign up ui
[free] date&timetools extension
label • select. copy. paste. format. colors
[paid] irblaster: emit custom ir patterns and create led remote ($8 or inr 551)
[free]realtimenetworkspeed extension
player - external audio and asset player
checkbox - create customizable checkboxes
[paid] admanager ads extension : sdk v23.3.0 :fire:
[paid] admob ads extension : integrate latest sdk - 23.3.0 :fire:
[free] activity starter helper to access many actions , classes and app packages
[paid] floatingsheet: create beautiful and customisable floating sheets ($3 or inr 151)
[paid] flipbook: create interactive ebooks and magazines from pdf files ($5 or inr 301)
[paid] flipbook: create interactive ebooks and magazines from pdf files ($5 or inr 301)
[free] json array decoder for you crud’s
[discontinued] extension to download a file to asd (app-specific directory) without write permission
[paid] fcmsender: send fcm notifications and messages using latest http v1 api ($3 or inr 151)
tasbeeh counter extention [internet request]
islamic tasbeeh counter extention [internet request]
[free] “utiles” package of three extensions: logs, codifica and informa
[paid] avatar extension: generate new avatar for each user [4$ or 335 inr]
[paid] flash extension- control flashlight without camera permission [2$ or ₹168]
create profile pic / avtar by name extensions (free) :sparkler:
[free] avatar extension: generate new avatar for each user in best quality
[free] flash extension- control flashlight without camera permission
arrangement - animate & radius
arrangement - animate & radius
:o: [free] circle menu extension : added support for floating on screen
[free] quran sound helper extension
[ free ] customdownloader extension
[f/os] :warning: daffydialog - additional features for the notifier component!
arrangement - animate & radius
[paid] imapclient: extension to read emails from imap server [$6 or inr 351]
[free] ytthumbnail extension: get the thumbnail of any youtube video
free interactive animations extension
[paid] esrimaps extension: calculate land area / add maps in your app
[paid] esrimaps extension: calculate land area / add maps in your app (no api pricing :grinning:)
[free] :lock: auth extension- check if passcode lock is enabled on a device
[free] :lock: auth extension- check if passcode lock is enabled on a device
:vibration_mode: [free] hidebars - an extension to display app full screen
speech recognizer - phonetic conversion
🗨️:sparkles: materialdialog extension: enhanced dialogs and toasts for app inventor
[paid] affordable aes extension: encrypt/decrypt strings for 5$ only
webview dialog - web content in a dialog
[free] extension for pairing bluetooth asynchronously without getting app freez
[free/os] extension for pairing bluetooth asynchronously without getting app freez
[free] charsvalidator extension v-1 harsh vardhan solanki
devx-shop an ecommerce extension
[free] accurate location by trilateration method
nocodb - no code database | airtable & baserow alternative
button - customizing buttons - icon, radius, gradient.
[free] :fire: allcomp extension: get all components using blocks
[free] clock-pro extension boom
[free]httputil - post a html form with enctype set to multipart/form-data
alertdialog - custom dialog -title & message (html) • color • radius & icons.
[paid] onesignalpush: implement push notifications using latest sdk - v5.1.23 ($10 or inr 701)
[paid] admob ads extension : integrate latest sdk - 23.4.0 :fire:
[discontinued] smsapptools: ask user to select your app as default sms app
rating dialog - icon, title & message html, colors…
async http extension with multipart/form-data support for imgur image upload
alertdialog - custom dialog -title & message (html) • color • radius, icons & buttons
button • customizing buttons • icon, radius, gradient
popup menu - custom, icons, color, radio…
:sparkles: card view extension for mit app inventor
styles extension for mit app inventor: a deep dive into ui customization
[discontinued] wordtospan - create url, mail, mention, tag & text highlighter
:bell: melonnotification • various styled notifications + itoo
[free] wordtospan - create url, mail, mention, tag & text highlighter
imgprogressbar - background, progress and thumb images.
[paid] install referrer extension
[free] file uploader : upload files to server with php
floatingactionbutton - color, size, radius, position & icons.
[free] file picker extension : pick any type of file from storage
[free] file picker extension : pick any type of file from storage
[free] jewelfilepicker extension : pick any type of file from storage
[free] jewelfilepicker extension : pick any type of file from storage
[free] jewelfilepicker extension : pick any type of file from storage
slidebutton - “unlock” slider button
[free] luiscipher an encoding/decoding extension
toggleswitch - custom slide switches with images.
gif - show gifs and click on them.
[discontinued] urlembedder extension - show preview data of your url
[discontinued] urlembedder extension - show preview data of your url
tuner - frequency detector, musical note.
[free] google plus codes to/from gps coordinates
[paid] popupmenu extension - an extension to make popup menu
:arrow_forward: mediasessionplayer - play audio in the background, with a media session
spectrogram - frequency data bars, display in real time.
[free] powerful physics engine to create games with canvas
[free] fullscreen extension v1 & v2
[free] fullscreen extension v1 & v2
lottie - click, stop, cycle… offline & companion…
[paid] receipt builder for esc/pos thermal printing
[paid] usb connector for esc/pos thermal printers
[paid] receipt builder for esc/pos thermal printing
[paid] usb connector for esc/pos thermal printers
[free] startapp ads extension ( - sdk v5.1.0
[free] startapp ads extension ( - sdk v5.1.0
[paid] new dynamicxmluicreator extension
[paid] new dynamicxmluicreator extension
[free] image cropper extension: crop image in fixed and free ratio
volumedialog, a pop-up volume control.
[f/os] discordinventor - an extension for creating bots for discord servers
[f/os] componentstranslate: dynamic component translation for app inventor
[paid] :heavy_dollar_sign: in-app billing : advance billing extension (v7.1.1)
[f/os] screen mirroring extension
glass morphism - effect on hvarrangement
glass morphism - effect on hvarrangement
[paid] admobads : integrate latest admob ads sdk (23.6.0) in your app ($6 or inr 421)
[paid] admobads : integrate latest admob ads sdk (23.6.0) in your app ($6 or inr 421)
[paid] admobads : integrate latest admob ads sdk (23.6.0) in your app ($6 or inr 421)
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
[free] bcrypt: password hashing and verifying algorithm
:arrow_forward: mediasessionplayer - play audio in the background, with media3 exoplayer
:arrow_forward: mediasessionplayer - play audio in the background, with media3 exoplayer
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
player - device audio, loop - play streaming
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
ffmpegkit: free and open-source extension for using ffmpeg
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
[f/os] texture pack: add texture to your components
listviewdialog - a list view in a dialog to put image, title & detail.
[free] gforms extension: integrate google form through app
[paid] 👁️ groqvision extension: integrate llama-3.2-90b/11b parameter vision models in your app
[free] base64 encode/decode extension
[beta] thchromecast for app inventor to interact with chromecast devices
[beta] thchromecast for app inventor to interact with chromecast devices